Yes, the number of kindergarteners in Japan is relatively low compared to other countries. Japan has experienced a declining birthrate over the past several decades, and as a result, the number of children in the population has decreased. This decline in the number of children has affected the number of children enrolled in kindergartens.
Japan's low fertility rate has been attributed to a variety of factors, including changing social norms, economic considerations, increased educational and occupational opportunities for women, and the high cost of raising children. As a result, demand for kindergarten capacity has been declining year after year.
Additionally, enrollment in preschool education is relatively high in Japan and begins at a younger age than traditional kindergarten. Many families send their children to preschool instead of kindergarten, further contributing to the decline in the number of kindergarteners.
While the number of kindergartners in Japan may be lower than in other countries, it is nonetheless important to note that Japan places a high value on early childhood education and provides a variety of educational opportunities for young children, including preschools, nursery schools, and other early childhood education programs.
One factor contributing to the low fertility rate in Japan is the fact that increasing number of men and women (not only in Japan but worldwide) are infertile, meaning they can't have children even if they try or they can only have children after undergoing fertility treatments, which are painful and very expensive. It not known why more people are unable to have children now than in former times, but one reasons that's been cited is the increased levels of persistent plastics and chemicals in them, which build up in people's bodies and sometimes disrupt the hormonal system. Your research might look at that too and what might be done about it.