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Welcome to our blog!  We are Japanese University students studying controversial issues. For our class, we are going to make this blog about...

Thursday, 8 June 2023

Research Questions

These are the research questions we will be focusing on throughout this blog

 -What is aging problem be like in other countries?

-What are the things that government do to prevent aging society?

-Why do people in japan live so long compared to other countries?

-Which country has the highest of life expectancy?

-Does happiness relate to long life expectancy?

-Does income have any relationship with life expectancy?

-From what age is the senior?

-Does religion relate to aging?

-Are there any countries that accept Euthanasia?

-How many nursing homes are there in japan?

-What are the causes of elderly people’s deaths?

-What are the causes in other countries?

-Does climate affect people’s long life expectancy?

-How do young people think of an aging society?

-How do elderly people spend their time?

-What about in other countries compared to japan?

-What do seniors who live longer eat?

-People who are healthy, were they healthy when they were young?

-What’s their motivation for living?

-What are the conditions to make a child?

-Why do people not want a child?

-What do Japanese country do?

-How wealthy do you have to be to raise a child?

-How much money do you need to raise until the child grows to 20?

-The average age of giving a birth?

-Can they marry?

-Why do people refuse to have a baby?

-How many kindergarteners are there in japan?

-Is the number of kindergarteners in Japan low compared to other countries?

-What happens if the low birth rate continues?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it’s because of my age, and I may be overly sensitive, but some of your questions seem to imply that there’s something wrong with people living to a ripe old age. Questions such as “Are there any countries that accept Euthanasia?” seem to suggest that it might be best for older people to be given the choice to carry out assisted suicide.

    There are no questions about what the elderly may contribute to society. Certainly, people living long lives increase the percentage of elderly in society, but without raising the birthrate, the population will continue to shrink and the aging of society will just be perpetuated.

    Instead of pitting the young against the old (as your questions appear to be trying to do), might it not be more productive to imagine a world where the young and old work together to have a more stable population in which children are welcomed and supported. For example, there is a shortage of child care facilities and there’s also a problem of loneliness and isolation among the elderly.

    Might it be feasible to have lonely elderly people help with child care. In doing that, they would be less likely to complain about the noise created by children because they would have a closer connection to them. So, it may help solve the problem posed by Rina and Galina too.

    One thing I’m wondering about is who you mean by the question “Can they marry?” Can who marry?
